Clerkenwell, London

The Male Gaze

The Male Gaze

I was supposed to be on a street photography workshop in London this week, but this got postponed for the obvious reasons. However, I thought I'd use the accommodation I'd booked, which was in Clerkenwell, an area I barely knew despite having lived nearby in Bloomsbury for 3 years when a medical student.

Exmouth Market is the local hipster strip, with a lovely mix of old, traditional shops and upmarket restaurants and coffee shops.

A Target-Rich Environment for the street photographer.

I’m not going to attempt to guess the relationship here…

I’m not going to attempt to guess the relationship here…

Lockdown Secrets.

Lockdown Secrets.

Exmouth Market.

Exmouth Market.

Hand, Face… at Space.

Hand, Face… at Space.

Some monochromes:

Briki - what Exmouth Market is all about.

Briki - what Exmouth Market is all about.

Cash Butcher: outside one of the long-established local suppliers.

Cash Butcher: outside one of the long-established local suppliers.



Mind the electric fence, Daddy!

Catching up on Processing II