Mind the electric fence, Daddy!

Mind That Fence Daddy.jpg

A little girl and her Dad enjoying the bucolic delights of Burwash Manor Farm in the late afternoon sunshine, during Apple Day in early October 2021.

The Cambridge branch of The Sick Children’s Trust finds volunteers from among our regular helpers, and Addenbrooke’s paediatric medical students, to man the entry gates and other stalls and activities on site.

In recognition of this the wonderful people at Burwash make over most of their profits on the day to the charity - it’s our single largest regular donation, and fantastically generous.

Apples are the crux of the event, with national experts providing identification of varieties brought from people’s gardens, and there’s a display of rare traditional varieties, a crushing service and a cider bar.



Identifying Apples

Identifying Apples

Laxton’s Fortune

Laxton’s Fortune

Juicing Apples

Juicing Apples

Juicy Flow

Juicy Flow

Our volunteers work hard at the entrance gates, taking money and giving stickers to children, and they also collect donatuions and sell tickets for some of the rides - that is quite a tractor!

Sticker Time

Sticker Time

Ticket Stall

Ticket Stall

Tractor Rides

Tractor Rides

The weather was generally good after a damp and misty start - the event didn’t run last year for obvious reasons, while in 2019 we coped with everything from heavy clouds to horizontal rain, so attendence was very high this year and everyone involved had a wonderful, happy time.

There’s always a wide range of country pursuits and crafts on show, with demonstrations of traditional making and the opportunity for the public to have a go.

Burwash Greenwood

Burwash Greenwood

Chair Seats

Chair Seats

Wool Carding

Wool Carding

Explaining the Craft

Explaining the Craft



The Chair Man

The Chair Man

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But that’s not all - there are steam train rides, an assault course, gourmet food vans, a deli, artisan butcher, toy shops, RSPB & Wildlife Trust stands…

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Brick Lane Revisited.

Clerkenwell, London